Booth at the EMS Regional Convention
We left in the afternoon of the 7th to go to Gatlinburg, a city in the county of Sevier. We were invited to participate at a convention for continuous education for emergency personnel. The convention was the Tennessee Region II EMS, Directors Association. Jason Fox was our contact and the person who invited us. We set up a booth for the Truth about Drugs. The convention lasted 2 days. There were about 300 participants, and the amount of interest in our booth was extremely high. We made many connections with people from 18 counties. One person was in charge of 7 schools in his county and wants us to
come give seminars. Another one was in charge of 3 high schools in his county and also wants us. Then there was a person responsible for the whole southeast area of the state who wants to coordinate with us to deliver seminars. Jason delivered a training seminar to the participants and presented our material as the solution for prevention of drug usage. Jason told us that many people raved about our program, materials and booth.