Three and a Half Hours Away
Recently we were in Claiborne County and we stayed in town two days to give 6 seminars to over 1,050 students.
The school also invited us to a symposium on health where several different organizations were present. We hadn’t planned on speaking, but we were asked to at the last minute, and that was fine with us!
We gave a summary of our drug-free program, then met with the Chief of Police who was more than happy to receive several of our materials. He told us that they haven’t been able to make a dent in drug usage in all of his 23 years of service. Wow! We can help with that. These booklets are proven to effectively reduce drug usage in an area where they are distributed — that is why we do what we do.
We gave as many materials to them as they could carry and we will give our materials to anyone who wishes to partner in making this state drug-free!