Drug-Free Tennessee at the JAKES Event
Drug-Free Tennessee had a great time participating at JAKES Day 2024!
JAKES means “Juniors Acquiring Knowledge, Ethics and Sportsmanship,” and this is an amazing program established by the National Wild Turkey Foundation (NWTF) in 1981. It is dedicated to informing, educating and involving youth 17 and younger in wildlife conservation and the wise stewardship of our natural resources. JAKES events help pass on the traditions of responsible, safe and ethical hunting, and teach the principles of habitat management.
Our volunteers contributed to youth education by giving them the Truth About Drugs! Nothing will ruin a young life faster than drug and alcohol issues, and these young people now have solid information to make good choices!
Thank you to the good folks at NWTF for having such a great event and bringing us in! Always happy to partner with anyone trying to help Tennessee youth!