Keeping Our Youth Off Drugs
Our community needs help! Drugs are killing our youth and motivating too much crime. We have to come together to do something about it! ~Rev. Brian Fesler
Date: June 26, 2019
Breakfast: 8:00am
Workshop: 8:30am – 9:30am
Venue: Church of Scientology Community Hall
Address: 1130 8th Ave S, Nashville TN 37203
RSVP: FREE on Eventbrite! (click here)
Drug-Free Tennessee is inviting all community partners and others interested in learning about each of the tools contained within the Truth About Drugs educational curriculum to a free workshop.
Aiming for an international society free of drug abuse, the United Nations named June 26th as the International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking.
Join us that day for a community breakfast to learn about valuable resources you can use in your own community.
- Get
free resources - Learn
what you can do about the problem - Meet
new friends interested in prevention - Engaging
conversation Free breakfast provided
Did you know?
On December 7, 1987 the United Nations established the International Day with resolution 42/112. Their very next resolution, 42/113 stated that the UN General Assembly,
…Taking into account the need to reaffirm the effectiveness of human, moral and spiritual values for preventing the consumption of narcotic drugs, at the national and international levels, through information, guidance and educational activities…
…Calls upon the Governments of countries facing problems of drug abuse, particularly those most seriously affected, as part of their national strategy, to take the necessary measures to reduce significantly the illicit demand for drugs and psychotropic substances with the aim of creating in society a deep respect for its own health, fitness and well-being and to provide appropriate information and advice for all sectors of their communities with regard to drug abuse, its harmful effects and the way in which appropriate community action can be promoted.

Brian Fesler is the Regional Coordinator for the Foundation for a Drug-Free World and works with the Tennessee Chapter, Drug-Free Tennessee.