Khat In Tennessee
Khat in Tennessee? Most people don’t even know what khat is! What was she going to do with 200 pounds of khat? Ruin many lives including her own!
Investigation by Specialized Investigations Narcotics detectives and Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) agents led to the arrest of a 47-yr-old woman. Now she is charged with possession of Khat for resale.
The woman accepted a package of Khat weighing approximately 60 pounds at her residence. During a search, detectives and agents seized an additional 130 pounds of Khat and $9,150 cash.
Khat, a Schedule I drug*, is a stimulant that comes from a shrub that is native to East Africa and southern Arabia. Khat leaves are typically chewed to release stimulant chemicals.
The woman is charged with felony Khat possession and tampering with evidence. She is being held in lieu of $160,000 bond.
(Read the full story.)
There are so many ways to mess up your body and mind with drugs! We need to educate our youth before they get caught up in bad choices like this woman!
Help us spread the word so we don’t have khat in Tennessee! You can get free materials here on our site, or we can come visit your school or group and tell them the Truth About Drugs.
* Schedule I drugs are drugs with no currently accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse. Some examples of Schedule I drugs are: heroin, LSD, marijuana, ecstasy, and peyote.
For more info: US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)